2014年12月16日 星期二

Cryptography and Network Security-Ch4

Mathematics of cryptography Part 2: Algebraic Structure

4.1 Algebraic Structure
●five property:
   ●closure (封閉性)
   ●associativity (結合性)
   ●commutativity (交換性)
   ●existence of identity:和任意element 做運算,結果=那個element。e.g.:加法下的0
   ●existence of inverse:自己和inverse做運算,結果= identity
 1. Groups: set of element + operation   (滿足property 1 2 4 5)
    e.g. G = <Zn, +>
   ●Abelian group:滿足交換性
   ●subgroup:subgroup裡的element均屬於group,operation 結果也相同
   ●cyclic subgroup:可以用element的power產生出來

※Lagrange' s theorem:H是G的subgroup,
order of H 是order of G的因數
 ●order of a group:產生cycle的最高項
  e.g. G = <Z10*, x>
    ord(1) = 1
    ord(3) = 4
    ord(7) = 4
    ord(9) = 2
  group order:2

  2. Rings:R = <{}, ├, ┤>
     ├ 為operation 1 滿足property 1 2 4 5
     ┤ 為operation 2 滿足property 1 2

  3. Fields:F = <{}, ├, ┤>
     ├ 為operation 1 滿足property 1 2 4 5
     ┤ 為operation 2 滿足property 1 2 3 4 5
    (├的identity 在┤不可有inverse)
  ●Galois Field:GF(p ^n)
    p is prime

4.2 GF(2^n) fields
  ●可以用n-1 degree 的polynomial 表示
   f(x) = an-1 xn-1  + a n-2 xn-2+...+a0x0
   e.g. GF(22):f(x) = 1x + 0
                                    0      0
                                    0      1
                                    1      1
  ●addition = subtraction = bit-wise XOR
  ●multiplication:相乘結果需用modulus polynomial (irreducible polynomial)去reduce (除以irreducible polynomial取餘數)
  ●inverse of polynomial:
    利用Euclidean algorithm 或將所有table generate出來
    e.g. inverse of x5 modulo x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1

    e.g. P1 = 000100110, P2 = 10011110, modulus = 100011010
,   最後將P1為1的那一個結果做XOR (圖中話底線的)

  ●利用generator 去定義elements of GF(2n)
{0, g0, g1, g2, ..., gN}, where N = 2n-2

