2015年2月15日 星期日

Formal language and automata - ch1

Ch1. Introduction

Mathematical preliminaries and notation

● Set (集合)
 A collection of element x1, x2, x3, ..., xi without any structure other than membership
   S = {0, 1, 2}
   S = {a, b, ...,z }
   S = {I : i>0, I is even}

 ○ Property: 
   ※ disjoint: S1 ∩ S2 = 空集合
   ※ subset: a set S1 is a subset of S if 所有element 均為S的 element
   ※ proper subset: (同subset不包含兩個set 相同的情況)
   ※ powerset: the set of all subset of a set S
     (每個element 都是一個集合 )
   ※ Universal set (U): set with all possible elements
   ※ Empty set (φ): the set with no element
   ※ partition: 一個set分成多個subset,每個set互disjoint
   ※ finite: element of a set is finite
   ※ infinite : element of a set is infinite
   ※ size of a set: number of element in a set

 ○ Operation: 
   ※ Union
   ※ Intersection
   ※ Difference
   ※ Complementation
   ※ Demorgan's law:
     1. -(S1 ∪ S2) = (-S1) ∩  (-S2)
     2. -(S1 ∩ S2) = (-S1) ∪ (-S2)
   ※ Cartesian product:
     S1 * S2 = {(x, y): x ∈ S1, y ∈ S2 }

● Function and relation
  ○ Function: assign a element in S1 to S2 (f: S1 -> S2)
   (S1中的element 只能有一個對應,否則為relation)
   S1: domain
   S2: range
  ○ Relation: S1中,一個element 有多個對應
   E.g. Equivalance 

● Graph and tree
  ○ Graph: a construct consist 2 set: V (vertex) , E (edge)
         Each edge is a pair of vertex
      ※ walk: a sequence of edge in the form: (vi, vj), (vj, vk), (vk, vm)
        (Edge的後一個點為下一個edge 的前一個點)
      ※ length of a walk: walk經過edge 的數量
       path: edge沒有重複的walk
      ※ simple path: 沒有點重複
      ※ cycle: 一個walk 開始和結束的vertex相同
      ※ simple cycle: 沒有點重複
      ※ loop: 一個edge 開始和結束的點相同
      ※directed graph: edge 有方向性
   ○ tree: a directed graph without cycles
      ※ root: 到任何vertex 都有一條path
      ※ leaves: 只有incoming edge
      ※ Child (vi->vj) vj 為vi的 child
       parent (vi->vj) vi 為vj的 parent
      ※ level: 從root 開始到特定vertex的path經過的edge數
      ※ height of a tree: tree 中最大的level
 proof of technique: 
   ○ proof of by induction
   ○ proof of by contradiction 


Three basic concepts


  ○ component:
      ※ alphabet
         Σ = {a, b}

      ※ string
        w = abaaa 
       (λ : empty string)
       →Σ* : set of 用Σ 造的字串

       →Σ+ = Σ - {λ}

  ○ definition:
    Language(L): a subset of Σ*
    sentence: a string in L

  ○ operation:
      ※ concatenation: 將字串或元素相接
      w = a1a2a3...an ; v = b1b2b3...bm
       ⇒wv = a1a2a3...anb1b2b3...bm
      L1L2 = {xy, x ∈ L1, y ∈ L2}
      ※ reverse
       LR = {wR: w L}
      ※ repeat:
       wn : 重複string n次(接在後面)
      ( w0 :empty string)
       L= L
      ※ length: |w|

      ※ complement
       -L = Σ* - L

      ※ star-closure
       L* = L L L2...

      ※ positive-closure
       L+ = L L2...

  ○ definition:

      ※ grammar
      G = (V, T, S, P)
         V : variable (set)
         T : terminal (set)
         S : start variable 
         P : production (set)
      ※ production rule:
        x → y 
      ※ apply grammar, derive
        w = uxv
        z = uyv
        w ⇒ z (w derive z)
        w1 ⇒ w2 ⇒... wn (w1 wn)

      ※ L(G) = {w  T* : S  w}
         L(G) is the language generated by grammar G


  ○ essential feature:
     ※ input
     ※ storage
     ※ control unit (internal state)

  ○ deterministic automata v.s.  nondeterministic automata
    deterministic : 每次都只有一種可能性(一種move可以走)
    nondeterministic : 有多種可能性

Ref: PETER LINZ, An Introduction to formal languages and automata Fifth edition

