/regular expression/expression modifier
● Modifiers:
g: Match globally, i.e. find all occurrences. (搜尋全部)
i: Makes the search case-insensitive. (區分大小寫)
m: If the string has new-line characters embedded within it, the metacharacters ^ and $ will not work correctly. This modifier tells Perl to treat this line as a multiple line. (包含多行)
o: Only compile pattern once.
s: The character . matches any character except a new line. This modifier treats this line as a single line, which allows . to match a new-line character.
x: Allows white space in the expression.
\ 跳脫字元
^ 以...為開頭
. 除了換行的所有字串
$ 以...為結尾
| 或
[] 搜尋誇號中字元
() 括號
○ 字元數量關係:
* 大於等於0次
+ 大於等於一次
? 0或1次
{n} n次
{n.} 至少n次
{n, m} 最少n次,不超過m次
○ 特定字元:
\r: carriage return(CR)
\n: 換行
\t: tab
\w: 英文字母
\W: 非英文字母
\s white space
\S non-white space
\d: 數字
\D: 非數字
\b: word boundary
\B: non-word boundary
\033: octal char
\x1B: hex char
1. $string =~ /regular expression/expression modifier2. if /regular expression/expression modifier
(將C #define 轉換成verilog #parameter)
###read file open($fp, "test1.c"); foreach $word (<$fp>) { if ($word=~/^#define (\w+) (\d+)/) { $word =~ s/define (\w+) (\d+)\n/parameter/g; $word = $word . sprintf(" %s = 2'b%b\n",$1 , $2);; print "$word"; } } close($fp);